Creating age ensembles |
High-level age modelling functionsPrimary functions used to create and store age models into LiPD objects |
Generate a Bayesian Reconstruction Age Model (Bacon) and add it into a LiPD object |
Generate a Banded Age Model (BAM) and add it into a LiPD object |
Generate a Bayesian Reconstruction Age Model (Bacon) and add it into a LiPD object |
Generate an oxcal Age Model and add it into a LiPD object |
Generate an oxcal Age Model from Oxcal model code, then add it into a LiPD object |
Bacon-related functions |
Get the name of bacon core directory |
Load the ensemble, summary and distribution data from a Bacon simulation |
Generate a Bayesian Reconstruction Age Model (Bacon) and add it into a LiPD object |
Sample ensemble ages from Bacon |
Set the name of bacon core directory |
Create the input file for a Bacon model from a LiPD object |
BChron-related functions |
Generate a Bayesian Reconstruction Age Model (Bacon) and add it into a LiPD object |
OxCal-related functions |
Create the oxcal model script |
Pull model parameters from OxCal Code |
Load oxcal output |
write oxcal expression for each date. |
Generate an oxcal Age Model and add it into a LiPD object |
BAM-related functions |
Corrects a Banded Age Model (BAM) |
Generate a Banded Age Model (BAM) and add it into a LiPD object |
Simulate a Banded Age Model (BAM) |
Ensemble Analysis |
Primary ensemble analysis functionsPrimary functions used to run ensemble analysis in geoChronR |
Ensemble correlation |
Ensemble regression |
Calculate ensemble power spectra |
Perform principle components analysis (PCA) across an ensemble |
Correlation-related functions |
Estimate Auto-Regressive coefficient at 1-timesetep |
Create a synthetic timeseries that emulates the characteristics of a variable |
Matrix correlation |
Estimate effective sample size accounting for autocorrelation |
Plot the results of an ensemble correlation |
Correlations and their significance according to AR(1) benchmarks |
Calculate correlation p-value given sample size. |
False Discovery Testing of p-values from multiple testing |
FDR Master |
FDR Basic |
Proportion of alternate hypotheses |
Storey estimator |
Regression-related functions |
Plot ensemble regression results |
Plot an ensemble of data as a scatterplot |
Plot an ensemble of trendlines |
Simple ordinary least squeares regression |
Ensemble regression |
Spectral-analyis-related functions |
Create a synthetic timeseries that emulates the characteristics of a variable |
Calculate ensemble power spectra |
Create a synthetic timeseries that emulates the characteristics of a timeseries |
Annotate plot of spectra with given periodicities |
Plot spectrum with confidence limits |
Reverse axis in log10 scale |
PCA-related functions |
Create a synthetic timeseries that emulates the characteristics of a variable |
Create a synthetic timeseries that emulates the characteristics of a timeseries |
Perform principle components analysis (PCA) across an ensemble |
Map ensemble pca loadings and plot PC timeseries |
create a scree plot for PCA analysis |
Visualization |
Plotting functionsPrimary functions to visualize data in geoChronR |
High-level chron plotting |
Plot chron ensemble |
Compare chron ensemble with paleoData age-model |
Plot the results of an ensemble correlation |
Plot an ensemble dataset as a histogram |
Plot or add a line to plot |
Plot probability distributions |
Map ensemble pca loadings and plot PC timeseries |
Plot the the p-values of an ensemble correlation analysis in a rank-pvalue plot |
Plot ensemble regression results |
Plot an ensemble of data as a scatterplot |
create a scree plot for PCA analysis |
Plot ensemble spectra output |
Plot spectrum with confidence limits |
Plot a summary figure |
TS overview plot |
Create a Time availability plot |
Plot an ensemble timeseries as a set of lines |
Plot an ensemble timeseries as ribbons of probabilities |
Plot a bunch of timeseries in a vertical stack |
Plot an ensemble of trendlines |
Mapping functions |
Make a base map |
Map a list of LiPD objects |
Map a TS object |
Plotting helper functions |
convert an AD age scale to BP |
convert a BP age scale to AD |
Label axes |
Two dimensional binning |
Define a plot theme for GeoChronR |
get a ggplot legend object |
Get ggplot x and y ranges |
Two dimensional kernel density estimation |
Melt distribution |
ModeSelektor |
Annotate plot of spectra with given periodicities |
Find quantiles across an ensemble |
Reverse axis in log10 scale |
Other functions |
BinningFunctions used to bin data into regular intervals |
Align and bin two timeseries into comparable bins |
Bin Data |
Two dimensional binning |
Bin ensemble data |
Bin every entry in a Timeseries object |
LiPD manipulationsFunctions useful for manupulating LiPD objects |
Create a measurementTable from concatenated ensembles |
Create a chron or paleo model including adding ensemble data |
Create a multi-model ensemble |
Create a summary table from an ensemble table |
Create a random TSid |
Estimate uncertainty estimates from high/low range |
Get the index of variable list |
Map an ageEnsemble variable from a chron model to a paleoMeasurement Table |
pull variable out of TS object |
Select a LiPD "variable list" |
Utility functionsFunctions useful for a variety of internal, and potentially external, applications |
askUser |
Concatenate two independent ensemble timeseries |
Convert years Calendar year (AD/BC or CE) to BP (1950) |
Convert years BP to Calendar year (AD/BC or CE) |
Create a data frame for chron measurement data |
Gaussianize |
Get the last set of parameters you used in createChronMeasInputDf() |
What OS is this? |
Makes a guess about the units of a time vector based on the values |
Load a remote RData file |
Pull one instance from an ensemble |
Convert var.names to strings |
Use the write function from rEDM depending on the version |