Pulls ensemble members from Bacon output. Will be run in interactive mode if necessary parameters aren't specified. Most users will want to use runBacon for their bacon needs.
sampleBaconAges(corename, K = NA, bacon.dir = NA, max.ens = NA)
the name used for the bacon model (and directories)
the number of intervals over which the model is run, this is appended onto all the Bacon files after the underscore. If NA, will attempt to deduce from the directory.
the directory where Bacon is installed on this computer. Willimport if bossible.
the maximum number of ensemble members to import
An ensemble table in the LiPD structure
Other Bacon:
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
ensTable = sampleBaconAges("MSB2K",max.ens = 1000)
} # }