Copies an ageEnsemble from chronData (model) to paleoData (measurementTable), by matching depth and interpolating (extrapolating) as necessary.
age.var = "ageEnsemble",
chron.depth.var = "depth",
paleo.depth.var = "depth",
paleo.age.var = "age",
map.median = NA,
paleo.num = NA,
paleo.meas.table.num = NA,
chron.num = NA,
model.num = NA,
ens.table.num = 1,
max.ens = NA,
paleo.depth.range = NA,
strict.search = FALSE
A LiPD object - an R serialization of a single LiPD file. It's a list, and is typically created by `readLipd()`
name of the age ensemble variable to search for
name of the depth variable to search for in the ensemble table
name of the depth variable to search for in the paleo measurement table
name of the age variable to search for in the paleo measurement table, critical if no depth data are available
Do you want to also map the median of the ageEnsemble to paleoData? (TRUE or FALSE, or NA, the default, which will do so unless that variable already exists)
an integer that corresponds to paleo.numData object (L$paleoData[[?]]) has the measurementTable you want to modify
an integer that corresponds to paleo.num measurementTable you want to add the ensemble to?
an integer that corresponds to chron.numData object (L$chronData[[?]]) has the model you want to get the ensemble from
an integer that corresponds to chron.num model you want to get the ensemble from?
an integer that corresponds to ensembleTable you want to get the variable from?
Maximum number of ensemble members to map
A two element vector eg: c(min,max), that describes the range of in the paleo data depth over which to map the data. Depths outside this range will correspond to NAs in the age ensemble. By default (default = NA) this is the full range of the paleo.depth.var.
Use a strict.search to look for the ageEnsemble and depth variables. TRUE(default) or FALSE.
L a lipd object
Other LiPD manipulation: