• Upgraded csv loading to use data.table::fread instead of readr::read_csv. This is much faster and avoids a version check.
  • Fixed the bug that made lipdTSSummary() fail if no age columns were present
  • Fixed a bug with readLipd() with multiple file paths as inputs
  • Fix the issue where readLipd() sometimes fails when getting version information from lipdverse
  • make readLipd() give an error if a local file doesn’t exist.
  • Make readLipd() fail better when downloading from lipdverse or other urls
  • Brought queryLipdverse(), neotoma conversion and changelogging files into the main branch.
  • Fixed bug to load a vector of local files
  • repaired bug in query table update
  • package now loads with a more compact query table to reduce loading time
  • the full query table is added to your local version with update_queryTable()
  • future updates to the query table are checked for with each subsequent user query
  • new summary() and print() functions allow for a quick look at LiPDs in all formats
  • a new vignette demonstrates these new functions
  • a new function, queryLipdverse(), allows for searching all of LiPDverse with many filter arguments
  • readLipd() now allows for input as a vector of dataset IDs
  • readLipd() and queryLipdverse() can be combined to download a target set of LiPDs
  • a second new vignette showcases the query functionality
  • Fixed bug introduced in 0.3.4 that prevented proper conversion of old LiPD versions
  • new function removeEnsembles() that will strip all ensembles from a LiPD object for portability
  • readLipd() now allows a vector of paths as input, to create a multiLipd from mulitple directories
  • Progress bar for writeLipd()
  • Make lipdR read/write files without changing the working directory.
  • Improve messages during reading, including parsing and error warnings
  • Can now read/write json objects in pure jsonld
  • Implement S3 classes into lipdR
  • Added a NEWS.md file to track changes to the package.