Query the LiPDverse
variable.name = NULL,
archive.type = NULL,
paleo.proxy = NULL,
paleo.units = NULL,
coord = c(-90, 90, -180, 180),
age.min = NULL,
age.max = NULL,
pub.info = NULL,
country = NULL,
continent = NULL,
ocean = FALSE,
seasonality = NULL,
season.not = NULL,
interp.vars = NULL,
interp.details = NULL,
compilation = NULL,
verbose = FALSE,
skip.update = FALSE
vector of variable names from c(d18O, d13C, treeRing, etc.)
vector of archive types. see unique(queryTable1$archiveType)
proxy type c(d18O, mg/ca)
proxy units c(per mil, degC)
lat/lon extent of interest c(latMin, latMax, lonMin, lonMax)
The youngest portion of the record comes up to at least this age, age BP
The oldest part of the record extends to at least this age, age BP
last name of author, DOI, unique word from title, etc. all lowercase, based on associated publications
Coutnry origin of dataset from unique(queryTable1$country), based on lat/lon
Continent origin of dataset from unique(queryTable1$continent), based on lat/lon
Gather datasets from the marine environment, based on lat/lon
list of seasons where items within a list are treated with "AND" logic and separate lists are treated with "OR" logic ie. list(list("July", "August"), list("7,8"), list("summer"))
seasons not desired with input format identical to seasonality
vector of interpretation variables ie. c("SST", "upwelling"), see possible: unique(queryTable$interp_Vars)
vector of interpretation variables ie. c("sea@surface", "elNino"), see possible: unique(queryTable$interp_Details),
#compilation name as character vector from unique(queryTable$paleoData_mostRecentCompilations), eg. c("temp12k", "wnam")
offer details of filters and get feedback from user
remove update prompt
filtered query table