The queryLipdverse() function in lipdR allows users to download LiPD files based on various filter parameters

The filtering relies on a query table, which holds metadata for all time series available on LiPDverse

This query table is built in to, and loaded with lipdR


Let’s get a sense for what the table holds

#> Error: object 'queryTable' not found
#> Error: object 'queryTable' not found

That’s a lot of rows! There’s a row for every time series in the LiPDverse database

If you have used the LiPD format, you will recognize some of these names

Let’s try a simple query

We’ll set skip.update = FALSE for this demonstration, but it’s a good idea to check for updates each time you start a new session

If you tell queryLipdverse to skip.update once, it will not prompt you again in a given R session

qt <- queryLipdverse( = c("δ18O"),
                     skip.update = TRUE)
#> Based on your query parameters, there are 0 available time series in 0 datasets

huh, there must be more Oxygen-18 time series

Let’s have a look at the unique paleoData

We’ll just look at the first 250, there are quite a few

#> Error: object 'queryTable' not found

There’s quite a few notation styles, but they all have “18o” in common, so let’s try that

qt <- queryLipdverse( = c("18o"))
#> Based on your query parameters, there are 1032 available time series in 619 datasets

Now that is a lot more data

Some query parameters will require considering what all the possible results have in common

In other cases, we can simply input a vector with several possible options

For the parameter, multiple entries are combined with “OR” logic, so more entries will generally pull more datasets

qt <- queryLipdverse( = c("δ18O", "d18O"))
#> Based on your query parameters, there are 1032 available time series in 619 datasets

This gets us almost the same result, but we see the simplified filter is still pulling one more dataset

Also note that capitalization makes no difference here

The archive.type filter works similarly, let’s look at our options

#> Error: object 'queryTable' not found

Note that we have distinct options: “Lake”, “LakeSediment”, “LakeDeposits”, “LakeDeposit”, and “Lake Sediment”

We can grab the archive.type names and search for all of them like this

qt <- queryLipdverse(archive.type = unique(queryTable$archiveType)[c(2,3,5,6,39)])
#> Error: object 'queryTable' not found

Or we can use the simplification strategy again

qt <- queryLipdverse(archive.type = c("lake"))
#> Based on your query parameters, there are 45927 available time series in 2268 datasets

As we saw last time, the results are similar

We can also filter based on publications: Author, DOI, Title, etc. using

qt <- queryLipdverse( = c("10.1016/j.quascirev.2008.09.005"))
#> Based on your query parameters, there are 20 available time series in 7 datasets

This query can be a little slow if you don’t narrow the results with another parameter first

Let’s narrow our region of interest

There are four different parameters used for this: coord, country, continent, and ocean

Let’s grab all the North American datasets

qt <- queryLipdverse(continent = "North America")
#> Based on your query parameters, there are 45711 available time series in 1749 datasets

Let’s grab just those from Mexico

qt <- queryLipdverse(country = c("Mexico"))
#> Based on your query parameters, there are 485 available time series in 30 datasets

Note that the country and contient filters are not filtered based on LiPD content. A function in R uses the coordinates associated with the datasets to associate them with countries and the results can be unreliable near country borders

Again, we can see all of the options for country and continent with unique()

We can also use latitude and longitude directly with a bounding box

qt <- queryLipdverse(coord = c(0,90,-180,-110))
#> Based on your query parameters, there are 13751 available time series in 727 datasets

We can limit this to only marine data by setting ocean to TRUE

qt <- queryLipdverse(coord = c(0,90,-180,-110),
         ocean = TRUE)
#> Based on your query parameters, there are 1344 available time series in 74 datasets

The ocean parameter works on the same basis as the country and continent parameters and can be unreliable in coastal areas

We can also grab all the data from a compilation, such as the Western North America (WNAm)

qt <- queryLipdverse(compilation = c("wNAm"))
#> Based on your query parameters, there are 389 available time series in 182 datasets

or multiple compilations

qt <- queryLipdverse(compilation = c("wnam", "temp12k"))
#> Based on your query parameters, there are 1702 available time series in 793 datasets

the compilation filter uses “OR” logic

Let’s try pulling datasets based on their seasonality

We can pull summer, commonly defined as June, July, and August, for the Northern Hemisphere

seasonality input is taken as a list

qt <- queryLipdverse(continent = "North America",
               seasonality = list("June", "July", "August"))
#> Based on your query parameters, there are 0 available time series in 0 datasets

Okay, so this must not be a good choice of format, let’s see how LiPD authors define their seasons

#> Error: object 'queryTable' not found

It looks like numeric months are most common. Season names, “warm”/“cold”, and series of first-letter abbreviations (ie. JJA) are all common.

Knowing this, let’s try again

Items within a single list are treated as linked by “AND”, so an input of list(“June”, “July”, “August”) would filter for season data with ALL of these months

Multiple lists are treated as linked by “OR”, such that list(list(“June”), list(“July”), list(“August)) would filter for season data with ANY of these months

Let’s try to get all of the summer datasets by entering a few different notations

qt <- queryLipdverse(continent = "North America",
               seasonality = list(list("6", "7", "8"), list("summer"), list("JJA")))
#> Based on your query parameters, there are 204 available time series in 169 datasets

This returns quite a few datasets

From our look at all the unique seasonality entries, we can see that this probably includes a lot of annual data too

Let’s exclude the annual and winter datasets by using season.not

The input for for season.not works the same as seasonality

qt <- queryLipdverse(continent = "North America",
               seasonality = list(list("6", "7", "8"), list("summer"), list("JJA")),
               season.not = list(list("annual"), list("December"), list("12","1","2"), list("winter"), list("cold")))
#> Based on your query parameters, there are 179 available time series in 144 datasets

Now we’ve narrowed it down to summer-specific datasets

Let’s look at interpretation variables now. These are the climate variables that may serve as a target for the proxy time series available

These variables are expressed in two different formats: interpretation variable and interpretation detail

Each of these variables has four possible interpretation slots

#> Error: object 'queryTable' not found

#> Error: object 'queryTable' not found

Let’s look at some marine interp.vars in the northeast Pacific

qt <- queryLipdverse(coord = c(0,90,-180,-110),
               ocean = TRUE,
               interp.vars =  c("SST", "upwelling", "SSS"))
#> Based on your query parameters, there are 22 available time series in 7 datasets

That gives us just a few datasets

Perhaps we’ll have more luck with interp.details, which is more standardized

qt <- queryLipdverse(coord = c(0,90,-180,-110),
               ocean = TRUE,
               interp.details = c("sea@surface", "elNino"))
#> Based on your query parameters, there are 63 available time series in 37 datasets

let’s see if we grab more using both

These inputs combine with “OR” logic, so we may gather more datasets by using both parameters

qt <- queryLipdverse(coord = c(0,90,-180,-110),
               ocean = TRUE,
               interp.details = c("sea@surface", "elNino"),
               interp.vars =  c("SST", "upwelling", "SSS"))
#> Based on your query parameters, there are 85 available time series in 41 datasets

looks like we get a few extra datasets with this approach

Now that we know how to use our filters, let’s go for a strict filter

We’ll look for marine archives in the northeast Pacific, with interpretations related to marine climate variables in the summer months only

qt <- queryLipdverse(coord = c(0,90,-180,-110),
               archive.type = c("marine", "ocean"),
               ocean = TRUE,
               interp.details = c("sea@surface", "elNino"),
               interp.vars =  c("SST", "upwelling", "SSS"),
               seasonality = list(list("6", "7", "8"), list("summer"), list("JJA")),
               season.not = list(list("annual"), list("December"), list("12","1","2"), list("winter"), list("cold")))
#> Based on your query parameters, there are 10 available time series in 4 datasets

To fine-tune your query, set verbose to TRUE to see which parameters have what effect on filtering

We’ll narrow the results further by adding author names to find within the publication info

qt <- queryLipdverse(coord = c(0,90,-180,-110),
               archive.type = c("marine", "ocean"),
               ocean = TRUE,
               interp.details = c("sea@surface", "elNino"),
               interp.vars =  c("SST", "upwelling", "SSS"),
               seasonality = list(list("6", "7", "8"), list("summer"), list("JJA")),
               season.not = list(list("annual"), list("December"), list("12","1","2"), list("winter"), list("cold")),
      = c("mix", "caissie"),
               verbose = TRUE)
#> Series available before filtering:  102213 
#> Series remaining after coord filter:  13751 
#> Series remaining after marine filter:  1344 
#> Series remaining after continent filter:  1344 
#> Series remaining after country filter:  1344 
#> Series remaining after time filter:  1344 
#> Series remaining after paleo.proxy filter:  1344 
#> Series remaining after paleo.units filter:  1344 
#> Series remaining after archive.type filter:  802 
#> Series remaining after filter:  802 
#> Series remaining after interp.vars filter:  802 
#> Series remaining after interp.details filter:  82 
#> Series remaining after compilation filter:  82 
#> Series remaining after seasonality filter(s):  10 
#> Series remaining after filter:  0 
#> Based on your query parameters, there are 0 available time series in 0 datasets

When you’re satisfied with the query results, we can simply put the filtered query table into the readLipd() function to download the datasets

D <- readLipd(qt)
#> Error in value[[3L]](cond): Error: get_src_or_dst: Error in if (!dir.exists(path)) {: argument is of length zero